

See the tidy stack of creamers. That wasn’t me. I had them

strewn all over the table. I turned away for a few seconds and

Mr. Fix-it neatly stacked them up. He can not work in messes.

I thrive in a mess. The messier it is the more life seems to make sense to me.

I have my limits. This last year we went into a shop in Minocqua, Wisconsin.

It was mostly stained glass, and some rugs. It was in an old three story home.

To get in you had to step over the piles on the floor. Big straddly steps.

On the way up the stairs you had to step over piles of stained glass

with hummingbirds. The owner was a very interesting person and had

much to say about the local artists. She was a wealth of information about stained

glass. In the end she led us to an oval stained glass with a pink-ish hummingbird.

It was a teeny bit cracked. Here she said this is just what you are looking for.

And it’s 40% off because of the crack. She knew where everything was in her very

messy shop. She had loads of money in her apron pockets and a small credit card

machine. She came out on the porch with us after we purchased the stained glass

and said good-bye to us. I imagined her living amongst the glass and rugs for days.

I could not get her mess out of my head.

TOH to date: 815 hours and 30 min.

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Edgy Sack 

I like plants and tennis and book club and classical music and small bowls of ice cream.

I love Jesus, Mr. Fix-it, family and life!

I don’t like driving in the rain or sleeping in.

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