Oh My Plants!


The plants were all pulling towards the sun. They had to be turned.

But they also need their dead leaves broke off, and cleaned up in general.

So they had to be moved to the dining room table. Three of them I can’t lift.

One of my grown girls did it for me. At this point I am not sure they could not

be referred to as trees. I’m not willing to part with them. In college I had to

leave my plants behind when I graduated and it made me so sad to turn my

back on them. No one I knew wanted plants. We were all too transient. “Ooh cool,

too bad I have no place to keep them.” I heard this over and over ,in my quest for

a keeper of the plants. In the end, I abandoned them on the front porch of the

girl’s dorming house I had been living in for the last year.

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Edgy Sack 

I like plants and tennis and book club and classical music and small bowls of ice cream.

I love Jesus, Mr. Fix-it, family and life!

I don’t like driving in the rain or sleeping in.

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