

I have fond memories of pigeons. My brother and my

father raised homing pigeons when I was a kid.

They banded them, raced them, and clocked them.

They also held them in their hands and talked to them.

One of the pigeon’s name was Sarge. He was a champion.

He made it home before all the other birds.

I know I could not hold a bird in my hand. It would freak

me out. Even so, I remember watching my brother and

my father watching for the birds in the sky. In all sorts of

weather. I have read numerous historical fiction books

about pigeons being used in wartime to send messages

and perform other tasks. I think this pigeon was my

across the street neighbor’s pigeon, it landed on my roof.

And them it flew home where it belonged.

TOH to date: 318 hours and 15 min.








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