Pretty or Not


Well, gee, I miscalculated my outside time yesterday.

And I am a fanatic about time,waking time, Bible time,

walking time,baking time, cleaning time all of it so…

Anyway, it was a beautiful day. I bigged up

and pulled some poison ivy out of our small

garden area that houses our hydrangea bushes. I used

a plastic grocery sack like a glove and pulled up three

small bunches. In the past I have had insane reactions to

poison ivy.Even cutting a walk/hike short if I spot it on the trail.

The thing about poison ivy is its actually pretty, especially in the fall.

It too turns red and orange. Since I am so allergic I pay close attention for it.

For years  I mistook virginia creeper for poison ivy because

a neighbor said it was poisonous. When the across the street neighbor,

a horticulturist, moved in he said “that”- That’s not poisonous, that’s

virginia creeper. It did put my mind at ease and helped me to pull it out

of the many bushes it had wrapped itself around. I have avoided many

a garden beds because I find poison ivy.

Pretty much it is now contained to our way back woods

and is not where I  garden, run or walk.

Every time I see it I am reminded of the verse in the Bible,

in  Matthew where it says –let the wheat and the tare

grow up together-side by side.

-outside hours today 3hrs and 56 min-

if my calculations are correct!

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Edgy Sack 

I like plants and tennis and book club and classical music and small bowls of ice cream.

I love Jesus, Mr. Fix-it, family and life!

I don’t like driving in the rain or sleeping in.

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