Safe in the Door


Today we missed the rain shower by minutes.

As soon as we closed the garage door it started

to rain. I’d seen the lightning when we had a bit

over a mile left to finish. I did not hear the rumble

of thunder till we were inside. I gotta say, I was more

than happy to have finished before the rain. It’s very

hard to see when it’s raining out on a bike. And lightning-

very very frightening!  The other day when we were out the

tornado sirens were going off . We sped home. But we were

closer to 5 miles away from the house. I enjoy biking quite a

bit. And, I especially enjoy it because it is something Mr. Fix-it

and I do together. He bikes way more than I, but we do a fair

share together.

TOH to date 674 hours and 40 min.

I am wondering if my acorn squash is

blue hubbard squash. 

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Edgy Sack 

I like plants and tennis and book club and classical music and small bowls of ice cream.

I love Jesus, Mr. Fix-it, family and life!

I don’t like driving in the rain or sleeping in.

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