Weather Interlude


Jogged around our backwoods a few times this morning.

Icy,muddy,grassy guck. By afternoon the warm-up

was on. Spent a bit of time with one of our grown girls.

After coaxing her three year old into pants, shirt, and finally

shoes we were off for a jaunt around the pond.

“Be careful for the ice Gigi, don’t slip.” she warned me,

until she tired of it. We came upon a young boy wearing a

helmet with a scooter leaning into his hip. He was handling

a fishing pole and wearing shorts. I suppose it had warmed

enough. The patches of ice feel free to loiter around even when

the temps reach 50 degrees.

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Edgy Sack 

I like plants and tennis and book club and classical music and small bowls of ice cream.

I love Jesus, Mr. Fix-it, family and life!

I don’t like driving in the rain or sleeping in.

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