Well, Nuts…


While walking around the back field with our

youngest granddaughter, we came upon a pile

of cracked up nuts. She stopped and whin-nied

at them. “It’s okay, the squirrels do that.'” I said.

She didn’t want to go past them. So we walked around.

She has excellent use of her words, that’s not the problem.

But sometimes she loses them. Like, if she sees nuts

that squirrels have gnawed through, or anything else that intimidates

her. Maybe a loud noise. Or music she doesn’t like, she’ll sort of grrr

out of the side of her mouth. I don’t mind it a bit that she

does this. Sometimes there are no words. Don’t we know…


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Edgy Sack 

I like plants and tennis and book club and classical music and small bowls of ice cream.

I love Jesus, Mr. Fix-it, family and life!

I don’t like driving in the rain or sleeping in.

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